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8 Coaching Tips to Help Clients Manage Stress in the Workplace

In times of crisis and high-stress scenarios, professional and executive coaches have the opportunity to provide targeted support to their clients. By focusing on increasing resilience and fostering innovation, coaches can empower individuals to effectively manage stress in the workplace. In this listicle, we present 8 specific coaching tips, techniques, and tools that are tailored to stress management and draw upon branded methodologies. These resources can equip coaches with actionable strategies to guide their clients through challenging times.

The GROW Model: Utilize the GROW Model, a popular coaching framework, to help clients set goals, assess current reality, explore options, and establish a plan of action. By breaking down complex challenges into manageable steps, clients can effectively manage stress and progress towards their objectives. Check out more about GROW here.

Resilience Innovator® Model: Utilizing the framework presented in the Resilience Innovator® Type Assessment unlocks the groundwork for managing stress. Learning your unique Resilience Innovator® type provides you with information about how you respond and react during stressful situations. Knowing is half the battle. Find out more about being a Resilience Innovator® here.

The Wheel of Life: Guide clients through the Wheel of Life exercise to assess and prioritize different areas of their life. By identifying areas that require attention, clients can create a roadmap for achieving a better work-life balance and reducing overall stress levels. Find out more about the Wheel of Life tool here.

Strengths-based Coaching: Adopt a strengths-based approach by utilizing tools such as the CliftonStrengths assessment. Help clients identify their unique strengths and leverage them to navigate challenges effectively. By focusing on their strengths, clients can build resilience and enhance their problem-solving capabilities. CliftonStrengths and RITA both do strengths-based learning and coaching!

Mindful Self-Compassion: Introduce clients to mindful self-compassion practices, combining mindfulness and self-compassion techniques. Techniques like the Self-Compassion Break, developed by Dr. Kristin Neff, can help clients cultivate self-care, self-acceptance, and resilience in the face of stress. Learn the exercise here.

The Eisenhower Matrix: Teach clients the Eisenhower Matrix, a time management tool that helps prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance. By categorizing activities into quadrants (urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, neither urgent nor important), clients can effectively allocate their time and reduce stress caused by poor time management. Find out more about the Eisenhower Matrix here.

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques: Introduce cognitive-behavioral techniques to clients, such as cognitive restructuring, challenging irrational beliefs, and implementing positive self-talk. These techniques enable clients to reframe negative thoughts and manage stress more effectively. Here’s a resource on positive self-talk!

The Power of Pause: Teach clients the power of taking intentional pauses throughout the workday. Encourage brief mindfulness exercises, deep breathing techniques, or short breaks for reflection. By incorporating regular pauses into their routine, clients can reduce stress, enhance focus, and recharge their energy levels. Learn more about the power of pausing here.

As professional and executive coaches, incorporating specific coaching tips, techniques, and tools tailored to stress management can enhance your ability to support clients effectively. Utilizing methodologies such as the GROW Model, EFT, the Wheel of Life, strengths-based coaching, and mindful self-compassion equips clients with practical strategies to manage stress in the workplace. Incorporate these specific approaches, along with other branded techniques, to guide your clients towards resilience, well-being, and success amidst challenging times.

About Epicenter INNOVATION

Epicenter Innovation® is an award-winning professional services firm driven by human-centered, resilience-focused innovation. Our team is here to help you implement a proven framework for creating impact & unlocking the potential of your people.

We’re the connective tissue between organizations that produce technology and those in the field using it. By working on both sides of the public/private-sector divide, we serve as translators & change-makers at all phases of the disaster management lifecycle – driving human-centered, resilience-focused innovation before, during, and after major incidents.

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